아이핀 발급방법 및 등록하기_만 14세 미만의 어린이

비가 오는 토요일입니다. 주말마다 비가 올 것 같은데 덥지 않아서 좋은 날입니다 오늘도 코딩 수업을 위해 도서관에 왔습니다. 지난번에 본 북스타트 신청을 하려면 아이 이름으로 시흥시 도서관 홈페이지에 가입해야 하는데 아이가 만 14세 미만이라 아이핀 발급이 필요하더라고요. 오늘은 아이핀 발급 방법을 포스팅 해보겠습니다. 아이핀(i-Pin)이란? 비가 오는 토요일입니다. 주말마다 비가 올 것 같은데 덥지 않아서 좋은 날입니다 오늘도 코딩 수업을 위해 도서관에 왔습니다. 지난번에 본 북스타트 신청을 하려면 아이 이름으로 시흥시 도서관 홈페이지에 가입해야 하는데 아이가 만 14세 미만이라 아이핀 발급이 필요하더라고요. 오늘은 아이핀 발급 방법을 포스팅 해보겠습니다. 아이핀(i-Pin)이란?

모든 웹사이트에서 주민등록번호 대신 아이핀 아이디와 비밀번호를 통해 회원가입 및 성인인증 등 본인확인을 하는 수단(오프라인에서는 마이핀 이용)만, 14세 미만의 어린이는 본인인증수단이 없으므로 아이핀을 발급받아야 회원가입이 가능합니다. 아이핀(i-Pin) 발급방법 모든 웹사이트에서 주민등록번호 대신 아이핀 아이디와 비밀번호를 통해 회원가입 및 성인인증 등 본인확인을 하는 수단(오프라인에서는 마이핀 이용)만, 14세 미만의 어린이는 본인인증수단이 없으므로 아이핀을 발급받아야 회원가입이 가능합니다. 아이핀(i-Pin) 발급방법

1. Siren24 (https://m.siren24.com) 접속 1. Siren24 (https://m.siren24.com) 접속

2. Choose to issue a new eyepin 2. Select New Eye Pin Issue

3. Total Consent 3. overall agreement

4. Choose child members (under 14) 4. Choose child members (under 14)

5. Children under the age of 14 need to be certified by a legal representative (householder) just by choosing mobile phone authentication. 5. Children under the age of 14 need to be certified by a legal representative (householder) just by choosing mobile phone authentication.

Mobile phone authentication of legal representatives is possible through Pass authentication or character authentication. Mobile phone authentication of legal representatives is possible through Pass authentication or character authentication.

6. The child information input ID is created in 8-20 characters including English and numbers 6. Enter your child’s information ID in 8-20 characters including English and numbers

7. The secondary password setting app requires OTP authentication or secondary password setting. (can be changed at any time) 7. The secondary password setting app requires OTP authentication or secondary password setting. (can be changed at any time)

8. Issue completion is valid for one year. 8. Issue completion is valid for one year.

I put it off because it felt complicated, but it was easier to issue than I thought. It’s not a big deal if you try everything I don’t know if I’m going to put it off like this^^ ;Recently, there have been a lot of damage to name theft due to voice phishing and smishing, but if you can prevent personal information leakage and name theft in advance, you should use it after issuing it even if it is troublesome. I put it off because it felt complicated, but it was easier to issue than I thought. It’s not a big deal if you try everything I don’t know if I’m going to put it off like this^^ ;Recently, there have been a lot of damage to name theft due to voice phishing and smishing, but if you can prevent personal information leakage and name theft in advance, you should use it after issuing it even if it is troublesome.

+ When I tried to register on the website of the monkey library, I was told to authenticate the nice eyepin. Do you tend to use the nice eyepin more often these days? Please check what kind of ipin certification company you are using on the website you want to register and register with ipin~~Nice ipin should also be registered with your child’s information after the first authentication with legal representative information. + When I tried to register on the website of the monkey library, I was told to authenticate the nice eyepin. Do you tend to use the nice eyepin more often these days? Please check what kind of ipin certification company you are using on the website you want to register and register with ipin~~Nice ipin should also be registered with your child’s information after the first authentication with legal representative information.

Please spend the rest of the weekend fully for two days 🙂 Please spend the rest of the weekend fully for two days 🙂


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